s t a r S [tr] U C K
I am not an avid viewer of the
reality-based celebrity search on a Philippine TV network. The lack of talent most contestants show irritates me. Philippine TV and Cinema already suffers from lack of talent and clichéd themes. I don’t think this would be much help to our dying entertainment industry.
No, I don’t think I am better than those contestants. Humility aside, I know I can act. I can sing, though far from worshipy. I can dance. But I don’t like prancing around the camera and be a doll - a doll with a pretty face but lifeless. I am not physically attractive - if you based it on the human standards of beauty. And I am not the type of person who likes to mingle with other people. I will not even in my wildest dreams join a celebrity search for instant fame.
But I can see who has potential and talent.There is one reason I try to watch even a few episodes of the show. I want to catch a glimpse of Stef Prescott. For me, not only does she have the most beautiful face, she also has the most versatile. Hers is perfect for an antagonist. She can also look like a damsel in distress, though not evident due to her competitive nature. And she is just beautiful with long hair, short hair, curly hair and straight hair.
She is also the contestant whom I see talent. She projects well in the camera. She can carry character (though lacks depth). But she is consistent. You can see that she is giving effort in the activities. And if effort is not shown, she can still pull it off well. She acts and looks like a natural.
Her attitude has a flaw, however. She can be proud at times. I think, that attitude could help push the other girls to show some effort. But then, she could get overboard with it. Charisma is an important attribute for a celebrity. By acting proud, she can lose fans. Celebrities become big not just because of their talent but because of their over all charm.
With that, she didn’t make it to the Final Six or Survivor Six or whatever. One thing that annoys me is the other people who made it to the final six. It is exasperating to know that a person who looks like a doll (refer to the 2nd paragraph for my definition) would be chosen over a person with talent. They say she had improved. Improvement? She improved form level 1 to level 1.5. That is still improvement – haha!! I seriously think that many people like her for because she looks like another celebrity or simply because she is eye candy. Hah… if people adore celebrities only because of their physical attributes then, I don’t think there is hope for the entertainment industry.
Why don’t we all consider this - Film and Television are not just for entertainment purposes. They are also art forms. They could bring to life novels. They could tell stories not only by words but by movements.
When will our country produce films like Hero, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Amelie?
What's Going On...
All of a sudden, I decided to create a design for my blog in the notepad, for 3 hours and here's what i got.
I am not sure if this will be a temporary design...
now, what's going on with my life...
Yesterday, i used 2 hours in the internet serching for pages not related to my subjects, to write an article on something very relevant for the month of March. Now, I am doing it again. This time not for that article.. but because of editing my blog template.
what's wrong with that?
well, i do think that nothing's wrong with doing those but if you have a 2 storey residence floor plan, perspective, elevations, vicinity map, site development map to draw and ink in 2 20"x 30" tracing paper. that could be a problem.
It is a bigger problem when you have a feasibility study to be passed on the 17th.
i have scheduled all the things that I should do in my planner, but i often do not follow it. hah! the professional crammer...
my FRIENDS(ter)
I don't think i could finish my requirements for this semester. They just keep piling up...(i hesitated when i typre 'piling' - was'nt sure of the spelling, argh, what is happening to my English?!)
There are so much things that I have to do but I am here, typing my feelings away. this is not good.I visited my almost dead friendster account. I clicked on 'friends.' Those were the faces I know from my past and the people I know at present. Mix with them are a few of the people whom I am stalking (hmmm...) ang those who I added to make me feel like i got a lot of friends.
Yeah, friends.. if the faces or the people you added in your friendster friends list are really my friends, then, yes, I really got a lot of them. But then, that's not reality - well, MY reality for that matter. I don't think my friends would exceed the number of my fingers, okay, fingers and toes.
i must admit, i have a BIG problem on TRUST. Trust is earned and it's hard to see someone who's worth my trust.So, I started removing names, pictures, profiles, PEOPLE. Today, i deleted those who I don't really know. They were the people who I added for the sake of having 'friends.' Maybe tomorrow, or the day after that, the list may grow shorter.
I am sick of telling people that I do not conform yet I am doing things that say I do conform -ahh, the fear of rejection. Only a few people probably know who I am. Do you?
My Dear Baby

A 4month old puppy from a Dalmatian mother and a Rottweiler father. He barks a lot. He bites a lot. He plays a lot. But still, we love him.